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Project-based learning platform for your team

JetBrains Academy for Organizations

  • Upskill your developers for key tech stacks.
  • Close skill gaps among tech teams.
  • Reskill and motivate your top talent.

Try for free

Free, full access for 10 days

We create the tools, and we teach the skills

JetBrains Academy taps into the more than 20 years of experience behind JetBrains’ top developer tools, which are trusted by 90 of the Fortune Global Top 100 companies.

Trusted by our customers

Interactive platform you can rely on


JetBrains Academy offers a project-based learning platform backed by JetBrains tools.

Your team will put new knowledge into practice by creating real-world applications while working with professional tools.

Build the skills to match your business needs

Created by industry experts, JetBrains Academy tracks cover the most in-demand programming languages and technologies – with content continuously updated to stay ahead of the latest industry trends.

Choose the learning track that best suits your organizational needs today and in the future.

Grow your team and your business


45% of engineering companies report skills gaps within their teams.

  • Close capacity gaps and upskill for new projects and initiatives.
  • Bridge cross-department knowledge gaps.
  • Enable smoother internal transfers between tech teams.
  • Prepare for tech stack migrations and launches.

94% of employees say that they would stay longer at a company if it invested in their careers.

  • Onboard new hires and interns faster.
  • Improve engagement and retention for top talent.
  • Foster skill growth and career paths.
  • Reskill teams on updated best practices and tools.

How your team will learn


Track progress and engage your team


What our customers say

"JetBrains Academy is a motivating and playful way to encourage people to learn how to code. The combination of theory and practical exercises helps to enhance the learning experience. JetBrains Academy is a comfortable support for our trainers – and a perfect way for future coders to make their first steps into the world of coding."

Isabella Schmidt

“JetBrains Academy is a very well-developed platform to learn programming languages starting from scratch and building up to a sufficient proficiency level. Hands-on projects, supported with well-explained and developed theoretical material and unit tests, embedded in the browser, make coding interactive and fun. My students loved the "tic-tac-toe" project and it helped them improve their algorithmic thinking and their programming skills.”

Natalia Petry

“JetBrains Academy is an excellent tool to enable someone with no development experience to become a confident skilled software developer in the working environment. I have found the tool to be useful for lots of new starters in the team to enable them to learn on their own or with others of the same path.”

Samuel Prebble

Unlimited learning for your team

Get unlimited yearly access for members of your organization and a free owner account to manage your team.

Annual subscription


per user, per year

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